Accessible energy
Accessible energy
Hydrocarbon and subsurface geological explorationsSeismic interpretation-based subsurface mapping, tectonic analysis, integrated hydrocarbon geological and reserve assessments
Seismic processingPlanning, permitting, field supervising and processing of 2D and 3D seismic acquisition data according to the highest oil industry standards
Well log interpretationCalibration and quality-controlled interpretation of geophysical well logs, quantitative determination of petrophysical parameters
Numerical geological and reservoir modelingConstruction of geologically consistent 3D numerical models for reservoir geological, hydrogeological, geophysical and mining calculations
Geothermal explorationGeological-geophysical preparation of geothermal energy projects, thermotectonic characterization of geothermal aquifers, geothermal prospecting and risk assessment
Hydrogeological explorationComplete evaluation of potential aquifers using 3D numerical geological-tectonic models based on integrated seismic, core and borehole data