Geothermal exploration
A geological-geophysical exploration of geothermal purposes is an essential prerequisite for the successful realization of geothermal energy projects. Hungary has unique possibilities in the field of geothermal energy, since the characteristic 50-70C/km temperature gradient is 2x higher than the world average. Our experience gained during general subsurface and hydrocarbon-geological explorations has been used during the preparation of several geothermal projects.
We have large experience in:
- identification and subsurface mapping of dry and wet geothermal reservoirs based on interpretation of seismic and borehole data
- thermal and tectonic characterization of geothermal aquifers
- thermal model calculations
- comparative analysis and ranking of geothermal prospects
- risk assessment
We have a unique geothermal, borehole and seismic database of Hungary (DIPEX), which makes geothermal evaluation of any Hungarian part of the Pannonian Basin very effective. The temperature, flow rate and well log data within the database help to characterize the geothermal aquifer, while the seismic database is used for the delineation and clarification of its tectonic conditions.
The petrophysical evaluation and characterization of the geothermal reservoir is carried out by our petrophysical experts:
- Large experience in the evaluation of both porous and fractured geothermal aquifers
- Characterization and evaluation of fracture systems in carbonate or crystalline formations
- Preparation and geological support for hydraulic fracturing projects
- Planning, supervision and evaluation of the results of core lab measurement campaigns