Anywhere, anytime!
Anywhere, anytime!
AgrogeophysicsGeophysical support for precision agriculture
Subgrade surveyingHigh-resolution surveying of road structures
Dike monitoringNon-destructive surveying of flood-protection dikes and levees
Surveying buried objectsDetecting underground utilities
Structural investigationsSurveying of buildings, walls and reinforced-concrete structures
Geological and stratigraphic surveysComplex geological and geophysical investigations
Riverbed surveyingBed and sediment surveying of rivers and lakes
Archeological geophysicsGeophysical support for archeological sitings
Drone surveyingHigh resolution aerial surveys
Gravel mine surveyingHigh precision mapping of geological resources
Cavity detectionDetecting natural and artificial cavities
Groundwater explorationGeophysical support for groundwater exploration and hydrological studies